Thursday, April 8, 2010

heart hurting.

Last weekend I had the wonderful opportunity of visiting B's mom, who is doing disaster recovery in Port-au-Prince, Haiti! It was a whirlwind trip and a heartbreaking drive through the streets of this torn city. These are are a few of the pictures I was able to take Saturday 27, 2010! There was a feeling of helplessness that came over us for these precious people! Hope doesn't seem to be around the corner... a long road stretches out in front of the Haitian people...

(this young mother let us hold her baby and was not quick to take her back... implying that she wanted us to take care of her... So hard!)

(they have nowhere to wash clothes and are living life on the streets or in their tents, made form sheets and tarps... while the rains are coming!)

(this precious boy was wearing a Hannah Montana shirt and his eyes tell a sad story)

(taken from the car... she is looking out for hope)

(wondering the busy intersection this little one wanted to wash our windows)

1 comment:

Kallie said...

my heart hearts, too