Monday, March 30, 2009

prayer=the air I breathe

"If I gave praise and thanksgiving for the rest of my days... it would be appropriate."

A prayer retreat in South Carolina with my Dad, brothers, and cousin was on the agenda last weekend. I had asked off work for a camping trip on the coast of south Georgia and was disappointed when it fell through. I was silly and unaware that God wanted to have a weekend date with me... me?... seriously? My heart is full and I'm still learning to be quiet and just listen (without being distracted). "Savior I come... quiet my soul!" I learned from several wise men and women of the faith who have spent years waiting on the Lord and serving Him. It was encouraging to see their faithfulness.

I met some great new friends and got to spend time with my brothers & Daddy!
Sam serving in the background 
my new photographer friend :)
oh laughter... my friend
great girls
the view from inside the church
Sunday morning 
"The world is noisy. He wants to quiet me with His love!"

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